Rihanna Hopes To Collaborate With UK Pop Singer Lily Allen
R&B/Pop singer Rihanna has revealed that she is looking to do a collaboration with British pop singer Lily Allen. Rihanna is stated to have said that she likes a number of British artists, but she’s currently eying the 23 year-old pop singer.
“Lily Allen is bad ass, I love her. I also really like Duffy and Leona Lewis, who is so beautiful, with an amazing voice. I would love to do a collaboration with those girls,” she told the Daily Star.
Rihanna goes on to say that she will be back in the studio to record her new album in early ’09 and promises to always return to Britain to perform for her UK fans.
“I can’t believe I have three songs in the UK Top 40. I just wanna say thank you to the UK for all your love. Don’t ever stop,” she said.
In other news, Rihanna has been selected by Billboard magazine as one of their top aritsts coming in at number 3. Rihanna follows behind her boyfriend Chris Brown at number 1 and Lil Wayne at number 2.
In an interview with Billboard Magazine, her boyfriend Chris Brown stated that he has been writing songs for Rihanna’s upcoming album.
So our guess is that this is something Rihanna fans should be looking out for.