Lindsay Lohan Assaulted By Congressional Aide Over Cellphone Photos
A part time congressional aide was arrested after allegedly assaulting Lindsay Lohan when she accused him of having cellphone photos of herself on his phone, according to reports. The 26 year-old singer and actress is stated to have brought Christian LaBella, 25, of Valley Village, California to her room at the W Hotel in NY along with three of her friends after meeting him at a club.
Lindsay Lohan aka LiLO told police that she refused to give LaBella his phone and he threw her on a bed.
According to authorities, Lohan stated that she ran out of the room and later returned only to be approached by LaBella who tried to choke her from behind. Additional reports state that LaBella allegedly threw Lohan to the ground and jumped on top of her and was removed by one of her friends.
As a cry for help, Lohan stated that she activated the hotel fire alarm which disabled the elevators and brought police to the scene.
Police officers on the scene believed that LaBella would attempt to leave the premises and decided to blocke off all exits at the hotel until he was apprehended.
Christian LaBella was charged with two misdemeanor counts of third-degree assault and two counts of harassment, which was later dropped.
The case was weakened by Lindsay Lohan taking his phone which authorities stated was technically a crime and by the singer/actress refusing medical attention.
In other news, Lindsay Lohan is due in court on Oct. 23 after being arrested on September 20 for almost running over a man walking in front of her car while she attempted to pull into the Dream Hotel. The entire incident was caught on surveillance cameras and the man allegedly only got grazed.