
Women Have The Spending Power

Reach a targeted audience of Women In Music and fans of women entertainers. delivers news, videos and more on Women In Music internationally to our niche and targeted audience.

We offer marketing campaign creatives and flexible advertising programs to suit just about any budget.

Did you know?

Women represent the majority of the online market.

– Women make up 80% of all purchasing decisions in the United States and women entrepreneurs both at home and in their businesses. –   U.S. Census Bureau

– “Women are not buying products or services, they are buying a lifestyle,” —  Kaira Sturdivant Rouda, president of Real Living (stated for The Marketing to Women Conference)

– Women outpace men for internet, email and computer usage.

– Worldwide, women control $31.8 trillion in consumer spending. (Source:

–  Women are the number one driver of worldwide economic growth; in Asia alone, women accounted for $13.4 trillion in spending power and $6.4 trillion in the United States for the year 2019.

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